530-283-4463 ccquincy.rob@gmail.com


Welcome back Calvary Chapel Quincy!

California Governor Gavin Newsome has approved the reopening of churches, subject to local Health Department approval at 25% of capacity or 100 people (whichever is smaller), along with restrictions and guidelines as of May 25th, 2020.

Our Sanctuary capacity is 251 which allows for 62.75 persons. Our building capacity is much greater, 700+. We easily fit within the requirements put forth by the governor.

In the interest of public health and safety Calvary Chapel Quincy will comply with the restrictions and guidelines.

Our first service following the easing of stay at home orders will be May 31st, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. We will open the doors at 9:45 a.m. There will be no food or coffee served.

We will limit our services to a maximum of 25% of capacity (which is under 100 people).

We will clean and sanitize the church before each use and after each use.

We will not serve food or beverage at any event, gathering or service.

We will encourage social distancing best practice among our members (6 feet between members not in the same family group).

We will encourage all members to wear face masks during their time in the building.

We will limit the duration of our service and encourage the safe egress from our building once services have been completed. Fellowshipping inside the building will be discouraged.

We will encourage worshipping in our hearts to the Lord as opposed to singing out loud.

We will not be conducting a Communion service this month (June, 2020).

We will not conduct children’s ministery and children will need to remain with their guardians at all times.

We will close the drinking fountain, kitchen, fellowship room and Book Store/Lending Library at this time.

We will discourage handshakes, hugs or other forms of contact affection among members not living in the same household.

We will limit restroom capacity to three (3) people at a time.

We will encourage frequent hand washing or use of sanitizers.

We will prop open the entry/exit doors to avoid contact with door handles by multiple people.

We will REQUIRE anyone with a fever or other signs of illness to refrain from entering the building.

We will continue to record our services on Sunday and Wednesday both the audio and a new YouTube channel video for any member who cannot attend or has co-morbidity factors. The YouTube video can be seen by clicking the “Watch Online” tab found on the menu bar of our home page. The newest video will always be at the top of the list.

We appreciate your ongoing financial support for the ministry. You can send your donations by mail to: Calvary Chapel Quincy, PO Box 3004, Quincy, CA 95971, or you may drop your donation in our AGAPE Box located at the back of the Sanctuary.

In addition you can contact me via e-mail at ccquincy.rob@gmail.com or my home phone (530) 283-9209.

Lastly we ask that you keep our church, county, state, country and world in prayer at this time. Psalm 91 is a great Psalm to read  and even pray daily during this crisis. Please understand that these requirements and guidelines are temporary in order for us to open our church for in-person worship. Hopefully and prayerfully, as this virus phases out, these restrictions will also phase out and we will get back to being that wonderful loving fellowship of believers.

God Bless

Pastor Rob